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Simcity 4: Why Nuclear Plants Are Bad


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EP 1 — Pilot (Design Centric SimCity)

With SimCity Finally Offline, Comes The Mods!

Now that SimCity is finally offline, it looks like it can properly modded and the Mods are starting to pop on Simtropolis.  The Current state of the SimCity 2013  Mod Community on Simtropolis , As of 3.26.2014; Simtropolis by the numbers... 76 Mods   - and modders are updating these all the time. 6 Buildings  - mostly growables & transportation for now.  215,636 - number of mod downloads since 4.2013.   65,247 - number of building downloads since 9.2013. Mod Highlight: MaxisGuillaume having modded 6 mods himself. Including the Extended Worker Data in Rollover Mode. Screened below, which can show many workers each Civic, commercial and industrial can have. Along with displaying how many shoppers and tourist commercial can have. And the same for residential buildings, as it shows the current number of workers, shoppers and kids and students. Mod highlight: Do you miss those information graphs from SimCity 4? Thanks to schaefj...

Global Market Blog Post

EA recently published a blog post with some detailed  information   on the global market. The basics:  Read The Post.